Can I Win My Case If There Are No Witnesses to My Spouse’s Misconduct?
Clients sometimes worry about what will happen at trial if they have no witnesses to their spouse’s misconduct. No worries. There are not going […]
Clients sometimes worry about what will happen at trial if they have no witnesses to their spouse’s misconduct. No worries. There are not going […]
Bad things happen to good people. Rain falls on the head of both the just and the unjust. Nice guys don’t always finish first. […]
During one of your initial sessions with your attorney, she will undoubtedly sit you down and explain how the laws that govern your case […]
Researchers are studying the role genetics plays in a person’s likelihood to enter into a marriage that will end in divorce. The study focused […]
Divorce laws are creatures of state legislatures. Each state has the the power to enact its own laws regarding the creation and the dissolution […]
Use equal parts: anger, bitterness, disrespect, hate and contempt. Blend with excessive greed and lots of vindictiveness. Boil violently over flames of spite and […]
Lack of communication Arguments Adultery Sexual problems Physical and verbal abuse Money (or lack of it) Work-related stress Problems associated with raising children Drug […]
How to Find a Lawyer That’s Right For You — This self-study course on how to find a divorce lawyer that’s right for you […]
A rule that prohibits a witness from testifying about statements made by someone who is not a party to the proceeding. The hearsay rule […]
Party — An individual who is a participant in a legal action and whose names appears on the documents filed with the court. A […]