Don’t Ask Your Lawyer If You Should File for Custody of Your Children

Your lawyer doesn’t know your children. He or she doesn’t know what is in your children’s best interest. Your attorney can advise you about the custody laws in your state. She can advise you regarding your chances of winning custody and can develop your case and present it to the judge She can give you guidance on your rights as a parent.

What she can’t tell you is whether you should file a custody case. She can’t tell you what type of arrangement will work best for your children.

Would you consult your attorney about what college your child should attend? Would you consult your attorney about the curfew you should impose on your children? Would you consult your attorney about what religion you should bring your children up in? Would you consult your attorney about at which age you should allow your children to begin dating?

Of course not.

So, why would you allow an attorney to decide whether you should pursue custody?


Photo Credit:  Visual Hunt

Posted in Child Custody.

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