What to Divorce When You Are Divorcing: Hopelessness
Hopelessness happens. During your separation and divorce you will undoubtedly confront disappointment and moments when everything goes wrong and nothing seems to turn out […]
Hopelessness happens. During your separation and divorce you will undoubtedly confront disappointment and moments when everything goes wrong and nothing seems to turn out […]
Dear Client: There are a lot of factors that will dictate the outcome of your case. The facts of the case and the applicable […]
What is the one thing about your life before divorce that you can be certain will also be true about your life after divorce? […]
After hearing allegations from both parties regarding the other’s drug use, the judge called a recess and ordered them to both undergo drug testing […]
Dear Client: Litigation can be an unpleasant ordeal. This is true whether you are participating in litigation as a result of a lawsuit you […]
Brace yourself. As you navigate the hills and valleys of your separation and divorce fear will invariably rear its ugly head. Fear of change. […]
Dear Client: There is a story about a young man about to embark on a spiritual journey. Before he begins his quest he asks […]
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who […]
Will filed criminal assault charges against Carol. She told the judge she could not afford to hire an attorney and wanted to waive her […]
Self-pity in its early stages is as snug as a feather mattress. Only when it hardens does it become uncomfortable. – Maya Angelou You […]