Ten Things You Need to Do Before You File for Custody
Pray for wisdom. Ask someone who has been through the process and who has kids who are now adults if they would do anything […]
Pray for wisdom. Ask someone who has been through the process and who has kids who are now adults if they would do anything […]
1. Custody placement is an adult issue and children should not be placed in the role of adults. 2. Children love both parents and […]
The best interest of your children. Their best interest is the “polar star” that judges follow when making decisions. Judges are not interested in […]
Custody does not terminate the parental rights of the parents. In adoption cases the parents rights have been legally terminated. Custody is never permanent. […]
1. What would my child want me to do? Don’t assume you know the answer to this question. Depending on your child’s age and […]