Six Things You Should Know About Alimony
1. It may take several months after you file a claim before you actually receive any money. 2. The opposing party may not pay […]
1. It may take several months after you file a claim before you actually receive any money. 2. The opposing party may not pay […]
How much each party earns How much each party has the capacity to earn The age of each party Physical health of each party […]
Drug Abuse Alcohol Abuse Physical Abuse Neglect Abandonment Emotional Abuse Sexual Abuse Photo Credit: _RSL_ on Visual Hunt
Since not all judges are created equal. A delay may be needed to get a judge that is more likely to rule in your […]
1. Parents who don’t get custody have a legal right to visitation. 2. Your child/ren are not allowed to decide whether or not they […]
1. Your income 2. Opposing parent’s income 3. Custodial arrangement 4. Number of children 5. Your other child support obligations and the opposing parent’s […]
The parent who receives child support is under no obligation to keep an accounting of how the child support is paid. A parent who […]
Your ex/spouse An attorney with no experience in family law Your counselor/psychiatrist Your accountant/financial planner An attorney who does […]
1. The court system moves slowly. And there are far more people waiting to have their cases heard than there are judges to hear […]
Moving on will keep you from wallowing in pity and regret. Moving on will allow you to embrace future relationships. Moving on will protect […]