11 Reasons Why It May Be Taking So Long for Your Divorce Case to be Resolved

1. The court system moves slowly. And there are far more people waiting to have their cases heard than there are judges to hear them.

2. Your lawyer is dragging his/her feet because he/she has a heavy caseload.

3. The opposing lawyer is dragging his/her feet because he/she has a heavy caseload.

4. Your lawyer is dragging his/her feet because you are paying him/her by the hour.

5. The opposing lawyer is dragging his/her feet because your ex is paying him/her by the hour.

6. Your lawyer is dragging his/her feet because you are not paying him/her as agreed.

7. The opposing lawyer is dragging his/her feet because your ex is not paying him/her as agreed.

8. Your lawyer is dragging his/her feet because he/she does not know what he/she is doing.

9. The opposing lawyer is dragging his/her feet because he/she does not know what he/she is doing.

10. You are not really ready to move on so you are not fully cooperating with your attorney.

11. Your ex is not really ready to move on so he/she is not fully cooperating with his attorney.


Photo Credit: Visual Hunt

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