13 Questions You Should Ask Your Property Division Attorney

1.  What happens to the property I acquired before our marriage?
2.  What happens to the property I acquired after we separated?
3.  How will the property division impact the alimony I am paying or receiving?
4.  What happens if the opposing party doesn’t pay the debts he/she was  ordered to pay?
5.  What happens if the opposing party doesn’t transfer the assets he/she was ordered to transfer?
6.   What if I believe the opposing party is hiding assets?
7.  What happens if the opposing party has debts that I didn’t discover until after the separation?
8.  Is it possible to get more than one-half of the marital assets?
9.  What if the opposing party and I can’t agree on who should get possession of the marital home?
10.  How long will it take before the matter is finally resolved?
11.  What is the likelihood this matter will be resolved in mediation?
12.  What happens if we have to go to trial?
13.  How often can I expect to receive updates about my case?

Photo Credit:  Leo Reynolds on Visual Hunt


Posted in Property Division.

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