Eight Things You Should Know About Child Support

  1. The parent who receives child support is under no obligation to keep an accounting of how the child support is paid.
  2. A parent who willfully refuses to pay child support can be subject to having their parental rights terminated.
  3. Parents are not legally obligated to pay anything more than the amount they are ordered to pay.
  4. Failure to pay child support is not grounds for denying an opposing parent visitation.
  5. Child support payments cannot be discharged in bankruptcy.
  6. The paying parent’s child support obligation could be reduced if he or she has another child whom he or she  is obligated to support.
  7. The paying parent is not obligated to provide for children in his/her will.
  8. The paying parent child support obligation will end when the child/ren graduate from high school and does not extend throughout college.


Photo Credit: Visual Hunt

Posted in Child Support.

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